Collie Standard AKC / Стандарт колли AKC

Standard of the Collie / Стандарт Колли



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Общие характеристики:

Колли - гибкая, сильная, отзывчивая, активная собака, не имеет никакой грубости, стоит прямо и гордо. Глубокая, умеренно широкая грудь показывает силу, покатые плечи и крепкие суставы позволяют быстро и изящно двигаться, выражение морды с высоким интеллектом. Колли представляет внушительную, гордую картину истинного баланса, каждая отдельная стать находится  в гармонии с каждой другой статью и не нарушает пропорции в целом. Техническое описание является существенным дополнением к этому Стандарту, но оно не является обязательным для разведенцев и судей, и это может быть сказано просто - никакая из статей Колли не является вне пропорции к другой стати. Робость, хилость, мрачность, злоба, недостаток живости, грубость и недостаток полного баланса противоречит общей характеристике.


Голова очень важна. Она не может быть легкой в пропорции к размеру собаки и не должна казаться массивной. Собака с грубой головой не имеет необходимого ясного, бдительного, полного смысла взгляда, которые очень важны для выражения. При осмотре головы спереди и в профиль, она должна напоминать хорошо затупленный клин, гладкий и чистый в линиях, и хорошо сбалансированный в пропорциях. Голова сужается постепенно и ровно от ушей до конца черного носа, без грубости в черепе и зауженности к мочке носа. В профиль череп должен быть плоским , линии лба и носа должны быть параллельными, равной и длины и разделены небольшим, но очень четким стопом. Средняя точка проходит между внутренним углом глаз (который проходит по центру правильно расположенного «стопа»)  и является центром в балансе длины головы.

Окончание гладкой, хорошо округлой морды притупленное, но не квадратное. Нижняя челюсть сильная, хорошо очерченная, глубина черепа от бровей до нижней части челюсти никогда не должна быть излишне глубокой. Зубы имеют хороший размер, с ножницеобразным прикусом. Массивные или слабые челюсти нежелательны, последнее более строго наказывается. Надбровные дуги слабо выступающие. Череп плоский, без зауженности или ската лба назад, затылочный бугор слабо выражен. Ширина черепа обязательно зависит от баланса длины черепа и морды, ширина черепа должна быть меньше чем его длина. Таким образом, правильная ширина черепа изменяется в зависимости от длины головы. Любые отклонения от главных характеристик, должны строго штрафоваться.


Because of the combination of the flat skull, the arched eyebrows, the slight stop and the rounded muzzle, the foreface must be chiseled to form a receptacle for the eyes and they are necessarily placed obliquely to give them the required forward outlook. Except for the blue merles, they are required to be matched in color. They are almond-shaped, of medium size and never properly appear to be large or prominent. The color is dark and the eye does not show a yellow ring or a sufficiently prominent haw to affect the dog's expression. The eyes have a clear, bright appearance, expressing intelligent inquisitiveness, particularly when the ears are drawn up and the dog is on the alert. In blue merles, dark brown eyes are preferable, but either or both eyes may be merle or china in color without specific penalty. A large, round, full eye seriously detracts from the desired sweet expression. Eye faults are heavily penalized.


The ears are in proportion to the size of the head and, if they are carried properly and unquestionably break naturally, are seldom too small. Large ears usually cannot be lifted correctly off the head, and even if lifted, they will be out of proportion to the size of the head. When in repose the ears are folded lengthwise and thrown back into the frill. On the alert they are drawn well up on the backskull and are carried about three-quarters erect, with about one-fourth of the ear tipping or breaking forward. A dog with prick ears or low ears cannot show true expression and is penalized accordingly.


The neck is firm, clean, muscular, sinewy and heavily frilled. It is fairly long, carried upright with a slight arch at the nape and imparts a proud, upstanding appearance showing off the frill.


The body is firm, hard and muscular, a trifle long in proportion to the height. The ribs are well-rounded behind the well-sloped shoulders and the chest is deep, extending to the elbows. The back is strong and level, supported by powerful hips and thighs and the croup is sloped to give a well-rounded finish. The loin is powerful and slightly arched. Noticeably fat dogs, or dogs in poor flesh, or with skin disease, or with no undercoat are out of condition and are moderately penalized accordingly.


The forelegs are straight and muscular, with a fair amount of bone considering the size of the dog. A cumbersome appearance is undesirable. Both narrow and wide placement are penalized. The forearm is moderately fleshy and the pasterns are flexible but without weakness. The hind legs are less fleshy, muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent. A cowhocked dog or a dog with straight stifles is penalized. The comparatively small feet are approximately oval in shape. The soles are well padded and tough, and the toes are well arched and close together. When the Collie is not in motion the legs and feet are judged by allowing the dog to come to a natural stop in a standing position so that both the forelegs and the hind legs are placed well apart, with the feet extending straight forward. Excessive "posing"is undesirable.


Gait is sound. When the dog is moved at a slow trot toward an observer its straight front legs track comparatively close together at the ground. The front legs are not out at the elbows, do not "crossover," nor does the dog move with a choppy, pacing or rolling gait. When viewed from the rear the hind legs are straight, tracking comparatively close together at the ground. At a moderate trot the hind legs are powerful and propelling. Viewed from the side the reasonably long, "reaching" stride is smooth and even, keeping the back line firm and level.

As the speed of the gait is increased the Collie single tracks, bringing the front legs inward in a straight line from the shoulder toward the center line of the body and the hind legs inward in a straight line from the hip toward the center line of the body. The gait suggests effortless speed combined with the dog's herding heritage, requiring it to be capable of changing its direction of travel almost instantaneously.


The tail is moderately long, the bone reaching to the hock joint or below. It is carried low when the dog is quiet, the end having an upward twist or swirl. When gaited or when the dog is excited it is carried gaily but not over the back.


The well-fitting, proper-textured coat is the crowning glory of the rough variety of Collie. It is abundant except on the head and legs. The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch. A soft, open outer coat or a curly outer coat, regardless of quantity is penalized. The undercoat, however, is soft, furry and so close together that it is difficult to see the skin when the hair is parted. The coat is very abundant on the mane and frill. The face or mask is smooth. The forelegs are smooth and well feathered to the back of the pasterns. The hind legs are smooth below the hock joints. Any feathering below the hocks is removed for the show ring. The hair on the tail is very profuse and on the hips it is long and bushy. The texture, quantity and the extent to which the coat "fits the dog" are important points.


The four recognized colors are "Sable and White," "Tri-color," "Blue Merle" and "White." There is no preference among them. The "Sable and White" is predominantly sable (a fawn sable color of varying shades from light gold to dark mahogany) with white markings usually on the chest, neck, legs, feet and the tip of the tail. A blaze may appear on the foreface or backskull or both. The "Tri-color" is predominantly black, carrying white markings as in a "Sable and White" and has tan shadings on and about the head and legs. The "Blue Merle" is a mottled or "marbled" color predominantly blue-grey and black with white markings as in the "Sable and White" and usually has tan shadings as in the "Tri-color." The "White" is predominantly white, preferably with sable, tri-color or blue merle markings.


Dogs are from 24 to 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh from 60 to 75 pounds. Bitches are from 22 to 24 inches at the shoulder, weighing from 50 to 65 pounds. An undersize or an oversize Collie is penalized according to the extent to which the dog appears to be undersize or oversize.


Expression is one of the most important points in considering the relative value of Collies. Expression, like the term character is difficult to define in words. It is not a fixed point as in color, weight or height and it is something the uninitiated can properly understand only by optical illustration. In general, however, it may be said to be the combined product of the shape and balance of the skull and muzzle, the placement, size, shape and color of the eye and the position, size and carriage of the ears. An expression that shows sullenness or which is suggestive of any other breed is entirely foreign. The Collie cannot be judged properly until its expression has been carefully evaluated.


The Smooth Variety of Collie is judged by the same Standard as the Rough Variety, except that the references to the quantity and distribution of the coat are not applicable to the Smooth Variety, which has a short, hard, dense, flat coat of good texture, with an abundance of undercoat.

Одобрен 10 мая 1977

Окрасы и Отметины

Ниже приведены окрасы и отметины допустимые для этой породы. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Стандарту породы для описания и различия в типах.

Вид: Название окраса и/или отметин.

Тип: Стандартный или альтернативный. Это классификация окрасов допустимых для выставок. Пожалуйстаб обратитесь к Стандарту породы для специфических особенностей этой породы.

Шифр: Этот код записывается при регистрации собаки.


Вид Тип Шифр
Черно Белый & Коричневый S 034
Мраморный S 050
Мраморный & Белый S 051
Мраморно Белый & Коричневый S 052
Соболиный S 164
Соболиный & Белый S 165
Соболино Мраморный S 166
Соболино Мраморный & Белый S 277
Белый S 199
Бело Мраморный S 311


Вид Тип Шифр
Черные & Коричневые S 039
Мраморные Отметины S 033
Соболиные Отметины S 026
Соболино Мраморные Отметины S 032

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